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Template Script looks like this:

-- return: none
function init_proc()


-- arguments: in_value:   "State Key" value
--            value_idx:  multi-value index (0 - based)
-- return: first(number):   final value
--         second(boolean): value is valid or not
function value_proc(in_value, value_idx)
   local value = in_value

   return value, true

-- arguments: in_value:   number
--            value_idx:  multi-value index (0 - based)
-- return: string
-- function value_str_proc(in_value, value_idx)
--   local str = string.format("%.2f", in_value)
--   return str
-- end

The pipeline looks like this:
"State value" -> value_proc -> value_str_proc

The script file runs in a sandboxed environment, that includes a few standard libs:


With some functions from the base library:


Each script can contain the following callback functions:

Key                                                 Description
init_proc() called once at a new Vehicle or when Script Options has been changed.
value_proc(state_value, value_idx) called at every update, for each available value index (up to 8).
value_str_proc(value, precision) called at every update, number -> string.


If the script fails, it will be silently kicked, and the value will be N/A.
Check the Logs/WTRTI.log file for error messages.


getStateValue(state_key_str [, default_value])

Returns the state value, otherwise a nil if the key not found.
Returns default_value if specified.

Note: Press F2 in the main window to display the "State" window.


local rpm = getStateValue("RPM 1")
if rpm then
    -- code

local rpm = getStateValue("RPM 1", 0)

setStateValue(state_key_str, value)

Allows you to emplace the value into the "State" list.

Returns true if the state value has been emplaced, false if not.

Note: Only non-existent keys are allowed to be emplaced.
Note: The key lifetime is only one frame (update).

setStateValue("new_key", 3.14)


Returns values from FM database.
local crit_spd = getVehicleData("crit_spd")

Key                                                 Description
type string, returns Vehicle's Type (fighter, bomber, helipoter, etc).
name string, returns Vehicle's Name (yak3, bf-109_g6, etc).
empty_mass number, returns Empty Mass, kg.
max_fuel_mass number, returns Mass with max Fuel, kg.
crit_spd number, returns Critical Air Speed, km/h.
crit_max_spd number, returns Critical Air Speed at maximum Wing Sweep on Vehicles with Variable WingSpan.
crit_mach_spd number, returns Critical Air Mach Speed.
crit_max_mach_spd number, returns Critical Air Mach Speed on Vehicles with Variable WingSpan at maximum wing sweep.
crit_combat_flaps_spd number, returns Critical Combat Flaps Speed, km/h.
crit_takeoff_flaps_spd number, returns Critical Takeoff Flaps Speed, km/h.
crit_landing_flaps_spd number, returns Critical Landing Flaps Speed, km/h.
crit_flaps_spd array of numbers, returns Critical Flaps Speed, km/h.
[ pos1, spd1, pos2, spd2, ... ]
crit_gear_spd number, returns Critical Landing Gear Speed, km/h.
combat_flaps_pos number [0, 1], Combat flaps position.
takeoff_flaps_pos number [0, 1], Takeoff flaps position.
num_engines number, Number of Engines.
max_nitro number, amount of Nitro, kg.
nitro_consume number, Nitro consumption, kg/s.
vne array of numbers, returns Critical Air Speed, km/h.
[ pos, spd ]
When Variable WingSpan:
[ pos1, spd1, pos2, spd2, ... ]
vne_mach array of numbers, returns Critical Air Speed, km/h.
[ pos, spd ]
When Variable WingSpan:
[ pos1, spd1, pos2, spd2, ... ]
crit_aoa array of numbers, returns Critical AoA.
[ aoa_positive1, aoa_negative1, aoa_positive2, aoa_negative2, ... ]
When Variable WingSpan:
[ wing_pos1, aoa_positive1, aoa_negative1,
wing_pos2, aoa_positive2, aoa_negative2, ... ]
crit_wing_overload array of numbers, returns Critical Wing Overload (N).
[ positive_overload, negative_overload ]
When Variable WingSpan:
[ wing_pos1, positive_overload1, negative_overload1,
wing_pos2, positive_overload2, negative_overload2, ... ]
rpm_range array of numbers, returns RPM range.
[ min_rpm, max_rpm, crit_rpm ]


Returns the current update time in seconds.


Returns the current time in seconds from the start of the application.

Script Options

Allows you to specify additional options for the custom indicator that will be displayed on the Script tab (GUI).
In the script, declare a global table __OPTIONS, example:

      key  = "option_key", -- key to get/set value in the script
      name = "Sample Option", -- name in GUI
      type = "boolean", -- type of the option
      value = true -- default value
      key  = "combo_option__key",
      name = "Sample Combo",
      type = "combo",
      options = { "red", "blue", "green" }
      value = 2, -- default selected option (green)

Note: When you set the options in GUI and click on the OK/Apply button the init_proc function will be called.
Note: On the script "Hot-Reload" (F9), these options will be reseted to defaults.


Type Value
boolean true, false
integer any natural number
float real number
string string
radio integer, index of the options, begins from 0
combo integer, index of the options, begins from 0
hotkey none


getOptionValue(key_str [, default_value])

Returns the option value.
local opt1 = getOptionValue("option_key")

or with default value:

local opt1 = getOptionValue("option_key", "Default String")

setOptionValue(key_str, value)

Allows to set a value for the option.
setOptionValue("option_key", "New String")

Note: Only initial type of the value is allowed to set.


You can make a group of the options, simply add a name key to the table right before the options.

   name = "Group1"
      key  = "option_key",
      name = "Sample Option",
      type = "boolean",
      value = true
      name = "Group2" -- group inside of the Group1
         key  = "option_key_2",
         name = "Sample Option 2",
         type = "boolean",
         value = true
         key  = "option_key_3",
         name = "Sample Option 3",
         type = "boolean",
         value = false
Maximum level of group depth is 2.